TARGET 160824


The Infinite Bridge is located in Denmark’s second-largest city Aarhus. Designed by Gjøde & Povlsgaard Arkitekter for the 2015 "Sculpture by the Sea" festival,

The bridge is circular, measuring 200 feet (60.96 meters) in diameter and has a circumfrence of 3.14 times that (of course! It's a circle.). It is positioned at the beach with most of the span standing above the waters of the bay.

It is located on the coast to the southeast of the city, at a historic resort location. The bridge touches the landing dock of a previous pier that no longer exists. In the 1800's, people used to arrive in steamboats from the city to relax and enjoy themselves at the historic Varna Pavilion on the hillside above the beach. The pavilion had terraces, restaurant and a dancehall. The old pier was situated at the edge of the forest so visitors disembarking from the steamboats would see the pavilion nestled in the trees on the hill above them.

"The Infinite Bridge re-establishes this historic connection and offers a new perspective on the relation between the city and the surrounding landscape," says Niels Povlsgaard, partner and co-founder of Gjøde & Povlsgaard Arkitekter, who built the Infinite Bridge for the 2015 festival.

The span of the bridge is made of wood but the supporting pillars are made of steel.

The bridge doesn't actually take you anywhere except back to your starting point. It's purpose is not for travel, but so you can "...experience the changing landscape as an endless panoramic composition and at the same time you enter a space of social interaction with other people experiencing the same panorama," says Johan Gjøde, Niels Povlsgaard's partner and co-founder of Gjøde & Povlsgaard Arkitekter. Well, all of that is true, but it is also unusual, artistic, and...'s fun.


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Amusing Planet
NY Daily News