TASK: The target is a location. Basic: Describe the location and/or anything you find there. Intermediate: Also describe the location's purpose(s) both past and present. Advanced: Also give detailed information about its history and find it on the dowsing map. Refd: Jurandyr Fonseca http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/10/world/gallery/abandoned-chinese-village-ivy-vines/index.html 1 of 9 The Shengsi Island are a collection of nearly 400 islands. One major city within several hours of the islands is Shanghai, China. On Shengshan Island there is an abandoned village. 2 of 9 The village was once known as a fishermans village. 3 of 9 The vines that cover the buildings look like an intentional part of the city's design, perhaps to add a touch of greenery. 4 of 9 The Shengsi Islands are an easy escape for those wanting a change of scenery from city living in Shanghai. The greenery in the village makes the island look like a Hollywood movie set. 5 of 9 Ferns, weeds and vines cover steps of this once bustling village filled with fisherman and their families. Photos: Abandoned Chinese village swallowed by vines 6 of 9 Homes with a rich history remain abandoned, as fisherman have moved closer to the mainland for their catch and financial opportunities. 7 of 9 The vines on the paths and buildings add a historic charm. 8 of 9 The neglected homes on Shengshan Island are now covered with the beautiful work of mother nature. 9 of 9 The Shengsi Islands are a collection of nearly 400 islands. One major city within several hours of the islands is Shanghai, China.