TARGET 150617


Handling fire

A fire festival is held every year in Minsk, Belarus, Russia. This festival brings together fire-handling artists, dancers, fire-breathers and professionals who can make Hawaiian fire dancers pale in comparison.

Fire twirlers
The Fire Maidens
Multiple fires in each hand

Team members hold multiple fires in each hand, and often juggle and exchange torches as they dance

The coordination between group members can get quite tricky

Both groups and individuals compete in the festival for the most daring, entertaining, and exciting performances.

Some of the entertainers go really big.

Some of the fire acts get really large (and sometimes dangerous), but the only people allowed to participate are professionals or those who have proven track records for this kind of work. Definitely no amateurs allowed.

Flaming guitars
And flaming guitars make the music sound hotter

But among the professionals, it's well known that getting really close to the fire can be the most dangerous, and take the most talent and skill.

Fire eaters
A "fire eater" or "fire breather" in action.

The head spinner
No, that's not a rod going through his head - it's two very short torches attached to a headpiece in such a way that he can rock his head back and forth just enough to make the torches spin around, and hopefully not get flames across his face or in his hair. Don't try this at home.


Feedback map

If you got impressions for which this feedback is insufficient, more information,
pictures and videos can be found at the following web sites:

The Daily Telegraph
The Daily mail
A search for Fire festival will turn up fire festivals located around the world. There are many of them.