First, an explantion of why this type of target demands a viewer to have accuracy and a focus on the exact tasking:

There were times in the military unit when we would be presented with a sattelite photo, say, of a building, and be tasked to describe what was in it. The most famous of these is when Joe McMoneagle described the Russian's "Boomer" submarine being made, given only a picture of the rooftop of the building.

It is often the case that things can be "hidden in plain sight" by simply putting them with other things. That is often the case, not only with military, but also with things that civilian corporations want to hide. When that happens, the job of the Controlled Remote Viewer becomes more demanding, because the surroundings of the target will act as pollution to the session, not only for the CRVer, but also for the analyst who reads the session results, or even the customer. Well, we can't do anything about the analyst or customer in this training, but we can do something about teaching you how to avoid "locational pollution".

The target you were given for this "Pollution Proofing" training was a missile park at the New Mexico Museum of Space History. It has lots of guided missiles, a missile tracking radar housing, and because of the tight cropping of the picture, little else to go by. It also had text, as a customer would give, that added to the pollution. In fact, this was a very, very hard target to get - and one that would stump even many experienced viewers.

The target, itself, actually has nothing to do with missiles. It is two of the old-timey, very large, TV satellite dishes that have been repurposed to stand in a museum park area, to show how parabolic dishes can focus energy waves. It is called a "whisper dish". You have probably seen them at science museums before.

A Whisper Disk

Each parabolic dish has a small metal ring right at its focal point. If one person puts his/her mouth in the ring of one dish, and across the field, another person puts his/her ear in the ring of the other dish, the person whose mouth is at the focal point can whisper to the other in a soft whisper, and in spite of other sounds and noise of any other activities in the park, the other person can hear the whisperer as clearly as though it were being whispered directly in his/her ear.

I hope you found that there is no relationship to the missiles at all, except for just being in the same location. The relationship of the two dishes to each other is that each one "hears" what is spoken into the other, so "sending and receiving" might be a good perception. There is nothing technologial, electronic, or equipment-related at all. The "operating frequency is just normal human voice range.

Across the field
The dish on the upper-left of the overhead picture of the tasking as seen from the dish on the lower right.

So, there is the target you were tasked to describe. It had all kinds of pollution, all kinds of traps for the viewer to fall into, and even the overhead angle of the tasking picture betrayed the color of the object. This was a very hard target, but one that well-trained, well-practiced, and and experienced viewers will be able to get very easily, simply because they will have learned that pollution can come from any source, even the target's surrounding location, and that it can (and should) also be ignored.

I hope you had fun with this one, and that you learned a lot from it. We will need to have a LOT of discussion about the problems it gave you, how you overcame them, and training in how to overcome them, if you didn't.

As feedback for those who also included descriptors of the surrounding location, the missile park is on the side of a mountain, overlooking Alamogordo, New Mexico.

The overall location

It also overlooks the Tularosa Basin with White Sands National Monument visible in the distance as the white line below the far mountains in the following picture.

The location

To the side of the missile park, is the large and very impressive museum, itself.

The museum

I'm looking forward to hearing from you on this one.