TARGET 141114


The pagent
The conestants line up

A warehouse full of thousands of big white bowls of water sure doesn’t sound like the beauty pageant events we’re normally used to, but that’s exactly what it was.

On September 15, 2012, in the city of Fuzhou, China, proud and hopeful goldfish growers from 14 different countries brought a total of 3000 of their most prized goldfish to compete in a beauty pagent, only one of which would be crowned the world's most beautiful goldfish.

In an interview with Reuters, judge Ye Qichang said:
"We judge goldfish mainly by five criteria:
Body shape
Swimming gesture
Color (which is very important)
Overall impression"

Although he said that color is very important, the judges were most impressed with one that weighed 1.75 kilograms (3.9 pounds), yet moved around his tank very gracefully. Judge Ye said, "A goldfish cannot grow into that size if it suffers any hardship or major illness during the breeding. So it is a very rare one,"


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Many thanks to "Spooky" at Oddity Central website for this target picture and information. You can also find a short news video of the pagent at the Oddity Central website, here.