TARGET 121205


Heading into the lake
Taking the plunge

The first week in August, 2011, owners of more than 50 amphibious vehicles brought their World War II-era military transporters, jeeps and vintage-style cars to St Blaise, Switzerland for their annual European gathering.

Fitted with colourful sun umbrellas and decorated with flags that looked like a motley crew of vehicles carrying families including babies and dogs, they met at the edge of the Lake Neuchatel and then --- drove their cars down the boat ramp and into the water.

A car afloat
Is it a car or a boat? Yes!

For those who are not aware of the term, an "amphibious car" is one that can be driven on land as well as in water. But you can't just put floats on a car and drive it off into a lake. The wheels won't be sitting on anything solid, so they provide no traction and become practically useless. It's the same with the front wheels providing directional steering. The lining around the doors and engine compartment must be made water tight, as well. And should some large wave come along and fill the interior, the car must still be boyant. An amphibious car may look like an ordinary car on the road, but in fact, it is quite a special thing. Just as some 4-wheel drive cars can switch gear trains from normal to off-road driving, most amphibious cars can switch power from wheels to propellers and from steering wheels to fins. If the car weren't special in this race, it would either be in the parking lot, up on land, or it would be sitting on the bottom of the lake.

But back to the race....

Getting ready
Everybody get to the starting line.
Getting set
Everybody ready to do this?
And they're off
And they're off!!! In the lead, it's "Umbrella Man", "Texas Red",
and, well, uh, "No Umbrella Man"...

But "The Green Swiss Cheese" is gaining on them...
And the winner is
"No Umbrella Man" quickly passes "Texas Red" to gain second place.
And the winner is...
But in the end, it is "Umbrella Man" by several car- uh, no,
boat- uh, no,
some kind of nautical lengths.

Since 1987, the group has met in various locations in Sweden, Italy, Germany and Switzerland and, in 2012, they will head to Norway. This year it is Switzerland's Lifeguards Club of the Low-Lake which is hosting the group as part of St Blaise village's 1000th anniversary celebrations.

(The race covered a large area. If you are within the oval, you are on target)
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pictures and videos can be found at the following web sites:

The Independent On-Line
Amusing Planet