Crazy Halloween Traditions: Underwater Pumpkin Carving By Spooky on October 6th, 2010 Category: Events, Pics 57Share Every Halloween, a group of pumpkin-carving enthusiasts take their pumpkins and carving tools for a session of pumpkin carving - underwater. It might sound like a weird event, but underwater pumpkin carving is pretty common in the US, with several competitions being organized in Florida, South Carolina, Lake Tahoe or Pennsylvania. Contestants put on their diving gear and drop down to a depth of less than 30 feet, where they try to carve the most intricate jack-o’lanters, and claim the top spots. All the gear is supplied by the organizers, so contestants need only bring their talent and inspiration. While it may sound like a fun thing to do, carving a pumpkin underwater is a pretty difficult task, considering the buoyancy of the pumpkin (at least until you cut the lid off) and Newton’s third law of motion (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). ================ Environmental Grafiti web site (pictures, trivia & video ================= Instructions for how to carve pumpkins underwater. ================= Home page for the Maui Ocean Center