TARGET 110427

An Unidentified Mysterious Object (UMO)

A mysterious object has crashed in London

A mysterious object has crash landed in London!

MIB standing guard

MIB standing guard

A Man In Black stands guard over the smoking wreckage of the mysteriously crashed object. The area is cordoned off to prevent unauthorized access.

A strange crater appeared in Potters Field, London on July 21, 2008, revealing a strange, unidentified object. The area was soon surrounded by a fence and men in black were guarding the strange machine. Nothing has been revealed about this UFO-looking object that is emitting smoke and strange noises.

It drew a crowd

A crowd gathers. Can this many people be zapped to make them forget?

Better than zapping everyone and making them forget that they ever saw this, it was much more desirable to make them think that it was a new advertising campaign to launch the newest model of Vauxhall automobile, the "Insignia". Have they invited aliens to their car launch? That would so bury the competition if it were true!!

Actually, it isn't. No aliens were harmed in the production of this advertising campaign. Earlier in the day, a crane had lifted this "mother ship" high into the air and a Vauxhall Insignia had dropped out of it, coming to the ground as would a shuttle craft. After the ceremony, the "mother ship" was left on display in Potters Field.

The following movie shows the ceremony. (Note: If you use Firefox, you may need to install a free wmv player add-on to your Firefox browser.)

The Vauxhall Insignia launch


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If you got impressions for which this feedback is insufficient, please take a look at the following web sites for more:

Video of the actual car launch
Creative Technology London