TARGET 101103

A Small Town

The town from above

The town from above

The town you see here is located on one of the islands of the Elbe River, in a suburb of Hamburg, Germany.

A view of the whole town. Note the dirt which is piling in from the side.

As you can see, the dirt covers the streets.

The upper floors of the buildings still remain clear.

But the soil creeps in below.

That's OK, though, since it makes the streets softer to walk on.

It's a great party town, too.

This small cityscape was created by a "street artist" who calls himself EVOL. It was done as a project for the German artists' camp and festival known as MS DOCKVILLE. MS Dockville is an annual event in the Wilhelmsburg section of Hamburg, Germany.

That section has a large number of old, abandoned factories of the Hamburg port, and is the perfect place for street artists to show off their talents.


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To learn more about EVOL and MS DOCKVILLE, take a look at the following web sites:

Unurth Street Art Site