TARGET 100210

The Sledgehammer of Tranquility

Having a wrecking good time

Have you ever wanted to just take a big, blunt object and beat the tar out of something? Well, believe it or not, it might be a good thing for you to do.

The picture above was taken on June 21, 2008, when a group of frustrated people got together, took axes, sledgehammers, sticks, and other weapons of minor descrution and started destroying cars, washing machines, televisions, refridgerators, and all those things that are such a source of frustration in our daily lives.

A washing machine graveyard

Does this look like a graveyard?

The death blow to washday

Well, it is, but one where you bury the frustrations of washday.

All of this sounds like a good, safe way to take out some aggression. But is it therapy? A group of Spanish entrepreneurs answer, "Yes." Their "destruction therapy" sessions have become very popular in Castejon, Spain. The participants of the sessions laugh and declare, "Hell yes!!!"

According to Reuters, "Destruction Therapy", or "Destructotherapy" for short, was founded in 2003 by three Spanish entrepreneurs who wanted to offer a way to relieve participants' pent-up rage at office life — in an outdoor, supervised setting — according to a profile published in Sterling Magazine.

The "patients" pay for the chance to choose from a variety of tools, which they then use to whack the crap out of objects gathered from junkyards and other sources. The sessions typically last about an hour.

Not surprisingly, around 40 percent of participants are women.

Whether such activities have any long-term therapeutic value is debatable, but participants seem to have fun in the process.

And... just to add to the ambience of anger-venting, a rock band plays acid rock music the whole while.

TVs, computers, and other sources of frustration.


TVs, computers, VCRs, refrigerators, and other sources of frustration don't so much "meet their maker" as they take the place of their makers, who are actually the ones who deserve the beatings.

The end of the road
And as for that car shown above... well, it's the end of the road for it.


Feedback map
NOTE: The news article says that the event happened in Castejon, NORTHERN Spain. There is one city named Castejon in Central Spain, and five cities named Castejon in the northern region shown. A media search did not turn up any more specific information, so if your dowsing was within the circled area, consider it a hit. Sorry I couldn't be more exact.

To learn more about the Destruction Therapy field in Castejon, take a look at the following web site:
Fox News Web Site
or do a search on "Castejon & destruction therapy". There is very little added information beyond what is in this feedback, but you may find something which provides further feedback to your perceptions. Good luck.